Diet and Nutrition

Pregnant, or Know Someone Who Is?

80% of Newborn Umbilical Cord Blood Contains These VERY Scary Toxins…..

Umbilical CordWow!!!  If this doesn’t scare you right to the organic food aisle at your health food store, we don’t know what will.  We have all heard the unfortunate news that many of our crops (corn, soybeans, sugar beets, etc) are now being genetically modified (chemically) to produce higher yields and resist pests.

The GM (Genetically Modified) toxins are supposed to be fully destroyed in the human gut and pass out of the body, theoretecially causing “no harm.”  However, according to a recent study performed at the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre in Quebec, Canada, the toxins are now found in 93% of blood samples from pregnant women and in 80% of umbilical cord blood.  Please read the following article for much more enlightening information on the subject: Read more

Would You Eat Acrylamide?

Surprise!  You Already Do

Potato ChipsIt sounds like the name of a paint thinner, or perhaps a preservative added to those “delicious, nutritious” frozen convenience dinners.  Actually, it’s a dangerous chemical formed by reaction to high heat cooking.  The higher the heat and the longer it’s heated, more of the chemical is formed.   We know there are health risks, including possible cancers and reproductive damage.  Read on to find out more.

How To INCREASE Your Chances of Breast Cancer

SOY – NOT As Healthy as You Think!

SoyEven though much evidence points the other direction, during the last decade, the prevalence of soy as  a health food has proliferated many forms of advertising media. You’re probably asking yourself WHY.  Simply because soy crops are cheap and easy, and soy is now a multi-billion dollar, high profit industry!

Shocked? You’re not alone!  While many of us thought we were doing something good for ourselves and our families by switching to soy milk and consuming more soy in our day to day meals, we were totally unaware of all the negative aspects.

Did you know that drinking just 5-8 ounces of soymilk a day has been shown to suppress thyroid function?  According to a recent article by Joseph Mercola, MD ( consumption of unfermented soy can also lead to increased risk of breast cancer due to the plant based estrogen compounds, cognitive decline, kidney stones due to the oxalate (compound that binds with calcium and forms stones), impaired immune function, impaired fertility, infant health problems and serious, potentially fatal allergic reactions.

John Hopkins Health Alerts states that non-fermented soy milk prevents the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can contribute to deficiencies.  The phyto-estrogens can trigger early puberty in children, and the phyto-chemicals isoflavones have been linked to leukemia.  A 2008 study indicated that men whose diet was high in soy products had a lower sperm count.

In addition to all the negative health consequences of soy, the soy industry adds more insult to injury by the fact that over 90% of all soybeans cultivated in the U.S. are genetically modified.  This means they have high levels of systemic pesticides from the exposure to Round Up.

Recommended reading to find out more about soy is Dr. Kaayla Daniel’s book, The Whole Soy Story or his blog.

From Cradle to Grave, Americans Show Gullibility

Are We That Unwary, or Is it Just Slick Marketing?

Straw ManBig Pharma is all about slick marketing.  We’ve mentioned this before in other posts.  When we, as a population, are bombarded repeatedly day after day with advertisements – “Pills for our Ills”, some, if not most of us, begin to believe we actually NEED them.  The doctor writes the prescription and we blindly head off to the pharmacy without giving it a second thought.

What about diet, exercise, adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular preventive care?  Cholesterol, triglycerides, diabetes and many musculo-skeletal conditions, do respond well when permanent lifestyle changes are made.  Take a minute to read this article and then think about all the potentially detrimental side effects you, or someone you know, may unnecessarily be suffering:

How Much of This Common and Deadly Ingredient Do You Consume?

This Common and Deadly Ingredient Can Cause Major Health Problems.



Why all the attention to High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)?  Did you know the Corn Refiners Association applied for a permit to change the name from HFCS to Corn Sugar on food labels because so many people are worried about it?  The industry is even doing TV commercials and printed media in an attempt to convince us it is just the same as sugar.

Well, it’s not as simple as they’d like us to believe.  When HFCS is ingested in the human body, it goes straight to the liver, turning into fat.  Unlike other carbohydrates, HFCS does not cause the pancreas to produce insulin, which would then act to stop our hunger.  About 2/3 of the HFCS is ingested in the form of beverages, mainly soft drinks and juices.

Unfortunately, HFCS is also in just about every type of processed food we eat on a daily basis: soft drinks, powdered mixes, bread, breakfast cereal, stuffing, chocolate milk, yogurt, candy, gum, salad dressings, catsup, relish, lunch meats, crackers, protein bars, pasta sauce, cookies, jelly, peanut butter, ice cream, barbeque sauces, marinades, soups, and even low fat frozen “healthy” diet dinners.

You’re probably asking yourself WHY the food manufacturers would even use HFCS.  Well, for one, it’s about 20% sweeter, it’s much less expensive than sugar, it’s easier to blend into liquids and it has a long shelf life.  Some studies indicate that HFCS may alter the body’s metabolism of magnesium, thereby increasing bone loss.  It’s also implicated in metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes, not to mention the heart problems and hypertension, as the HFCS causes high triglycerides in the blood.

In a University of California (Davis) study, researchers found that “Dietary HFCS significantly increased serum triglyceride concentration across the life span in rats.” This increase occurred in both the rats who had calorie restriction and those who had free access to food.

Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, November 2000; 72: 1128-1134 and Journal of Nutrition, December 2000;130:3077-3084

So, how important is it to read the labels?  VERY important! While you have little control over the restaurant food you consume, you do have complete control over your home prepared meals.  Fortunately, some processed foods will now have an obvious “No HFCS” right there on the label.

For those of you who wish to restrict your consumption of HFCS, here’s a link to HFCS free foods

How SAFE Are Yours???

Supplements — How SAFE Are Yours???

Hand Full of VitaminsAccording to the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), more than 75% of U.S physicians recommend nutritional supplements to their patients.  It’s obvious that the American public is enhancing their health with a multitude of vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals and sports supplements, but just how SAFE are they?

When questioned, nearly 70% of supplement users reported having concerns about the safety, effectiveness and quality of ingredients.  Safety ranked first ahead of brand, and price was the last concern.

In the U.S., the FDA regulates nutritional supplements under the FOOD category, not the DRUGS category.  Unlike the pharmaceutical companies, who must obtain FDA approval, the dietary supplement manufacturers may bring their products to market without any approval.  Sadly, about 95% of U.S. supplement companies lack the resources to be able to self-manufacture and thus rely on contract manufacturers, many of whom are overseas.  Adulterated ingredients such as heavy metals have been found in imported supplements, mainly from China.   Shockingly, the sole reason the heavy metals are added is to increase the weight of the ingredients that are then sold by weight.

Due to lack of enforcement and quality control measures, there may also be substandard ingredients and no standardization in the dosage of the ingredient.  To date, China has not formed a regulatory agency to adequately oversee the manufacturing of nutritional supplements.  It has been stated that up to 1/3 of Asian supplements have drugs not listed on the label or contain lead, mercury or arsenic.

Although the contaminants, per pill, are very small, they do build up in the body over the years and can become quite detrimental.  With all the concerns and potentially serious consequences of ingesting tainted supplements, we are VERY careful about the supplements we provide for you.  You can rest assured that we carry only the finest, pure ingredient supplements that have been manufactured in the U.S. under strict quality control processes.  They are carefully assayed to make sure you are getting exactly what is on the label.

Contact us at:

Burbank - Glendale Chiropractic
1460 Grandview Ave.
Glendale, CA 91201
(818) 843-3333 Voice
(818) 396-1512 Fax


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